
{4 september 2011}   Bookmarks

Donkey Ears in books. I really hate that. I guess that’s why I can not get enough of bookmarks. Over the years I built up a big collection. My favorite bookmarks are with (part of) an artwork on it. I can not leave a museumshop without a bookmark with a piece of art on it!

My collection now consists dozens of bookmarks. There is only a ‘problem’. I have a tendency to leave my bookmarks in my books. Under the cover “is useful when I’m rereading the book again.” Because of this I have ‘lost’ many favorite bookmarks. Maybe I have to go reread all my books to locate them? Or buy more bookmarks?

Pippi says:

Ja leuk, die boekenleggers. Zelf spaar ik ze ook, maar dan wel de gratis exemplaren. En ik ben superblij met de mooie Matilda boekenlegger die je voor me meenam uit York!

Ben blij dat je die boekenlegger leuk vind. Moest toen gelijk aan je denken!

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